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Updated: May 24

A new channeled Spirit Blessing from The Pleiadian Collective...💜

This one is titled "Balance"...

Here is their message...

"We love each of you very dearly!

We see how very busy you all are each day...working hard, caring for your children...working long hours to get your new business up and running...and many, many other very authentic reasons to be so busy.

This world of yours is a tough one to live in at times, right now.  We see how very hard you are trying to take care of your family, and still go to work every day.

But...what about YOU, dear one?


Do you make time for you?  Do you take time out of your hectic life, for you?  Do you believe you are also worthy of receiving the love and attention you so freely give to those around you?  We do!!!

We implore each of you to use this mantra..."Remember Me!"

Remember that you are just as deserving of Love and attention as everyone else that you put first, in your life.

If you are having trouble believing in your worthiness at the moment, then we would gently remind you that all of your relationships, and your job, will flourish even more, if you also take time to take care of yourself. 

It is difficult to truly take care of others if you are not providing enough sustenance...such as Love and Compassion...for yourself, first.

Okay...we will step down from our soapbox, now!...we just love each of you so much, that we greatly desire to see you Love Yourself, as much as you love those around you...because you truly deserve it!

Our Losha is endeavoring to Love herself more as well...and it is indeed challenging...however, we are here to help, whenever you call upon us!

Remember..."Remember Me!"

We love you all deeply...💜

The Pleiadian Collective"

Channeled by Losha

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